Medical gas supply in treatment and prevention facilities is the most important component of the life support system, and timely reliable supply and installation of high quality medical gas system is the key to the effective functioning of medical institutions.
Depending on the profile of the institution and the volume of medical gas consumption, individual options for the placement of the medical gas supply system are developed in accordance with the requirements of applicable regulations and taking into account the proposals of the Customer. The entire gas supply system is a network of gas pipelines with monitoring and signaling systems for emergency prevention, gas supply source, terminal devices (which can be medical consoles or DIN gas sockets, depending on the wishes of the Customer).
The pipeline system is designed in such a way that medical staff and patients do not have direct contact with the main source of gas supply. Gas supply sources are located in special storage places, which can be located both in the basement and outside the building, in specially equipped places. Because medical gases are easily ignited, medical gas supply systems are subject to increased safety requirements.
To prevent life-threatening situations, shut-off control valves are installed on the main line of the gas pipeline in order to quickly disconnect the system from the gas supply in the event of an explosion hazard. The quality of the system depends on the quality of materials used in production, as well as on the quality of installation of the medical gas supply system. Therefore, when deciding to install a medical gas supply system, it is better to trust specialists in the design and installation of gas supply systems, which will solve any possible operational problems in advance, as well as obtain the necessary services to maintain the gas supply system.
Main areas of activity:
1. Design of gas supply systems in medical institutions.
2. Supply of gas supply equipment:
- Equipment for medical gas supply: resuscitation consoles, operating, anesthesiological, ward and additional elements (flow meter-humidifier, vacuum regulator, shelves, aspiration tanks, etc.).
- Equipment for transportation, storage and gasification of cryogenic liquids (oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide).
- Equipment for the production of oxygen (oxygen generators), compressed air (compressor stations), vacuum (vacuum stations) in the medical, industrial and scientific fields.
- Ramps, high-pressure reduction systems with automatic switching system for all types of gas.
- Systems for monitoring and signaling the clinical and operational condition of gases in pipelines and source stations.
- Control and notification units (on floors) with and without alarm.
3. Installation of the above equipment.
4. Installation of technological pipelines (oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, air, vacuum).
5. Commissioning.
6. Repair and maintenance.